Jaké produkty používáme pro povrchovou úpravu?

Definitive resources for flooring news and information on trends, inspirations, best practices in flooring and flooring installation for industry professionals. Floor Trends includes carpet; wood; tile; laminate; resilient and other flooring products for commercial & residential markets. I specialize in building complex web applications, leading front-end teams , digital product design and developing visual design… Continue reading Jaké produkty používáme pro povrchovou úpravu?

Jaké materiály využíváme při své práci?

This blog is managed by John and Sherry, a young couple with a passion for DIY and home remodeling. They’ve personally renovated three homes, and their blog shares their successes, failures and more than 3,000 free home projects for you to try. They’ve written several books, and their own line of lighting and hardware has… Continue reading Jaké materiály využíváme při své práci?

Výroba kuchyňských linek dle vašich preferencí

his DIY blog was created by Cassidy and her husband to showcase all of their remodeling projects and to provide help to those who are looking to update their homes. They’ve completed five different project houses since the blog launched, so you’re sure to find plenty of helpful content on their website. Want to build… Continue reading Výroba kuchyňských linek dle vašich preferencí